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Home > Die Cutting > Tattered Lace 刀模- Pentagon Box (網購單一價)
Tattered Lace 刀模- Pentagon Box (網購單一價)
Tattered Lace 刀模- Pentagon Box (網購單一價)
Product No TL-ETL125
Product Original Price
$ 3,700
Product Price
$ 1,850
Product Cust Price


•Pentagon Box Lid: 9.4cm x 9cm (with tabs: 11.7cm x 11.2cm)
•Hearts: 3.3cm x 2cm
•Diamond Border: 5.7cm x 3.5cm
•Pentagon Box Base: 20cm x 19cm
•Tabbed Square 1: 2.3cm x 2.3cm
•Tabbed Square 2: 3.5cm x 3.5cm
•Tabbed Square 2: 4.9cm x 4.9cm
•Decorative Square 1: 2.2cm x 2.2cm
•Decorative Square 2: 3.1cm x 3.1cm
•Decorative Square 3: 4.1cm x 4.1cm
•Decorative Square 4: 5.1cm x 5.1cm
•Beaded Square 1: 3.4cm x 3.4cm
•Beaded Square 2: 5cm x 5cm
•Square 1: 1.2cm x 1.2cm
•Square 2: 1.9cm x 1.9cm
•Square 3: 2.7cm x 2.7cm
•Square 4: 3.5cm x 3.5cm
•Square 5: 4.2cm x 4.2cm
•Flower 1: 1.3cm x 1.2cm
•Flower 2: 1.8cm x 1.8cm
•Leaf: 0.9cm x 1.7cm
•Butterfly: 4.9cm x 4.5cm







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