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首頁 > 圖案印章 > 草皮印章 > (2022)Heartfelt 刀模+草皮印章組 - Mini Mushroom Cottages Cling Stamp Set (網購單一價優惠)
(2022)Heartfelt 刀模+草皮印章組 - Mini Mushroom Cottages Cling Stamp Set (網購單一價優惠)
(2022)Heartfelt 刀模+草皮印章組 - Mini Mushroom Cottages Cling Stamp Set (網購單一價優惠)
商品編號 HF-HCPC-3990-HCD1-7408
$ 2,700
$ 1,890

可互相搭配使用, 蓋印後方便裁切取圖,  適用市售多款刀模機, 美國進口. 




1. Large Square Mushroom Die: 2.5” x 2.25”

2. Tall Mushroom Die: 1.75” x 3.75”

3. Windows for Tall Mushroom Die: 1” x 2.5”

4. Short and Skinny Mushroom Die: 1.25” x 2.75”

5. Windows for Short and Skinny Mushroom Die: 1” x 1.5”

6. Short and Stout Mushroom Die: 2” x 2.5”

7. Windows for Short and Stout Mushroom Die: 1.5” x 1.5”

8. Smallest Square Mushroom Die: 1.5” x 1.5”

9. Windows for Smallest Square Mushroom Die: 1” x 0.75”




1. Large Square Mushroom Cottage: 3” x 2.5”

2. Tall Mushroom Cottage: 1.5” x 3.75”

3. Short and Skinny Mushroom Cottage: 1” x 2.75”

4. Short and stout Mushroom Cottage: 2” x 2.5”

5. Smallest Square Mushroom Cottage: 1.5” x 1.5”



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